Saturday, January 25, 2014

Există Dumnezeu

        Un bărbat a mers la frizer să se tundă. În timp ce frizerul îl tundea pe client, cei doi au început o conversaţie interesantă despre diverse subiecte. În cele din urmă au ajuns să vorbească despre Dumnezeu, iar frizerul a spus: ”Nu cred că Dumnezeu există.”
“De ce spui asta?” a întrebat clientul.
“Trebuie doar să ieşi pe stradă si să vezi că Dumnezeu nu există. Spune-mi, dacă Dumnezeu ar exista, ar mai fi atâţia oameni bolnavi? Ar mai fi copii abandonaţi? Dacă Dumnezeu ar exista, n-ar mai fi suferinţă şi durere. Nu-mi pot imagina cum ar fi să iubeşti un Dumnezeu care permite să se întâmple asemenea lucruri.”
Clientul s-a gândit pentru un moment, dar nu a răspuns, pentru că nu voia să înceapă o discuţie în contradictoriu. În scurt timp, frizerul a terminat de tuns şi clientul a plecat mai departe. Imediat ce a ieşit din frizerie a văzut însă pe stradă un om neîngrijit, cu părul lung şi murdar. Părea un om sărman. Clientul s-a întors la frizer şi i-a spus:
“Ştii ceva? Frizerii nu există!”
“Cum poţi spune asta?” a întrebat frizerul nedumerit. “Eu sunt aici şi sunt un frizer. 
Şi tocmai te-am aranjat!”
“Nu e aşa!” a spus clientul. “Frizerii nu există pentru că dacă ar exista nu ar mai fi oameni cu păr lung şi neîngrijit, ca omul de afară.”
“Dar frizerii există! Ceea ce se întâmplă e că oamenii nu vin la mine.”
“Exact!” a spus clientul plin de încântare.”Asta e ideea! Şi Dumnezeu există! Ceea ce se întâmplă este că oamenii nu merg la El şi nu Îl caută. De aceea există atâta durere şi suferinţă în lume.”

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Hard work

Dear hard work...

I used to hate you, when you called my name I heard it but I ran away from you. When I knew you were coming i used to hide from you. When you influenced others that talk to me, I quickly made excuses to get away from you. Afraid of the pain because I didn’t want to get hurt. Afraid to fail, so I didn’t even try and afraid of your name because of what you have done to others.

Who do you think you are making me so afraid of who you are. Reflection in the mirror, shadow behind me. I take one step and you are still ahead of me. Sweat in my face, tears in my eyes. Is there anything that you can’t do?

Now look at me, you made me who I am today and because of you I have this never loosing never giving up attitude. Quitting? That’s not in my vocabulary. When they quit I keep going, when they sleep I work harder. When they say that I can’t and count me out I show them that I can. When I tell them about my dreams and they laugh I make sure I laugh last. I am a dream chaser. That means I chase my dream and no one else’s, only I can defeat me. It´s me against this work you put on it. There is no loosing...

I will not lose!

I came this far and I am not stopping now. Oh hard work my doubt was right above me and you do pay off and because of that ... I love you, how can I not? I am no longer hiding from you ... I am waiting for you. In matter of fact, where are you?

I need you, because in hard work I trust!

Friday, January 10, 2014

Thursday, January 9, 2014

7 Must-Read Success Lessons from Les Brown

1. Learn to Win
“There are winners, there are losers, and there are people who have not yet learned how to win.”
Know which battles you shouldn’t be trying to win.  Play to your strengths, there are some things that you will never succeed in, more importantly, there are some things that ONLY you can succeed in.

2. Plant a Tree
“Someone’s sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.”
This Web site has almost 8,000 subscribers because several years ago, I decided to start a self-development Web site, with 1 subscriber, myself.
To sit in the shade you must first plant a tree.  Plant a tree today, though it be small, it’s latter end will be great.

3. Twice Every Day
“Review your goals twice every day in order to be focused on achieving them. Goals help you channel your energy into action.”
Place your goals in a place where you see them every day.  If you don’t see them, you will forget about them.  If you forget about them, it is self-evident that you will not achieve them.  Place your top three goals in a place where you will see them every day.

4. Stretch Yourself
“If you put yourself in a position where you have to stretch outside your comfort zone, then you are forced to expand your consciousness.”
To change your life, you must change the way you think.
In January of this year I listened to/read 27 books.  On January 31st, I saw things very differently then I saw them on January 1st – my consciousness had expanded.
Stretch yourself, challenge yourself; challenge the way you think, challenge what you eat, what you read, how you spend your time – you change by stretching yourself.

5. Get Your “But” Out the Way
“The only limits to the possibilities in your life tomorrow are the buts you use today.”
…But I’m too old, too young, I’ve waited too long, I’ve messed up too many times, I’m misunderstood.  Your path to success is being blocked by your “but.”  Why you’re saying how and why something can’t be done, there’s somebody out there doing it.  Get your “but” out the way!

6. Land on Your Back
“When life knocks you down, try to land on your back. Because if you can look up, you can get up. Let your reason get you back up.”
You may have been knocked down, you may be convinced that you won’t succeed, but if you can look up, you can get up.  Get up one more time!  You are not your past mistakes; you have within you the ability to succeed, so look up!

7. Change
“You cannot expect to achieve new goals or move beyond your present circumstances unless you change.”
At the end of the day, these are just cute quotes if you don’t decide to change.  You have to make a decision, you have to decide to maximize your potential.
Good is not good enough when you’re destined to be great.  Get up, look up, and succeed!


Speed Mistakes